Laundry Business in Dubai
The lifestyle of people around the world is changing and evolving greatly. Their life has become more hectic with advent of technology and internet. Indeed there are various services that provides a relief to people and makes their life easy. Laundry is one of the service which lends a helping hand to the busy lifestyles of people in big cities. Moreover many people are venturing into laundry business as it provides people with steady income. Dubai offers a great chance for these types of businesses to grow as it is a reliable service for the increasing population. As the title suggests let us see what it takes for a laundry business in Dubai.
Some Basic Requirements for a Laundry Business in Dubai
Business Concept and Planning
A business needs a concept and an execution plan for a smooth run. Business partners should draft a plan that will decide the course of action. Laundry business needs accurate planning for some things like no of employees, capital investment, type of laundry business, market analysis etc. Moreover a city like Dubai needs a well drawn plan to start a business due to increasing number of competitiors.
Acquiring Funds for Investment
Laundry Business needs funds in different steps of setting up an enterprise. An entrepreneur should have an understanding of the finances and should form a budget for the forthcoming expenses. A proper analysis of the expenditure is required that may include expenses on equipment, manpower, license, permits etc. Moreover he should take help of a local sponsor for further help.
Licensing Process
The licensing process for laundry business in Dubai is similar to other businesses. Although there are lot of safety protocols which need to be followed when it comes to laundry business. Let us take a look at the licensing process. The two institutions responsible for approval of license are:
- Department of Economic Development
- Dubai Municipality
Requirements for the process:
- Submit the required documents such as copies of passport and visa of investors, copy of emirates id of the local sponsor, tenancy contract etc.
- The enterprise decides the legal entity and trade name of the enterprise. Furthermore the approval is taken from Department of Economic Development.
- Draft a Memorandum of Association with the local sponsor containing the details like business location, business objectives, trade name, association clause etc.
- The investor should make a tenancy contract if he had rented the space for starting the laundry business. Besides he should also obtain the Ejari.
- We need prior approval from Dubai Municipality Planning Sections and Health and Safety Division of Dubai Municipality as laundry business involves high risk.
- Finally we submit all the above documents to DED to procure the license.
Finding a Location
Location plays an important role in setting up a laundry business. In Dubai the laundry business is setup mostly in mainland. The investor can open a laundry shop in a rented shop or in a commercial space. Moreover they should decide on the location according to the their target audience. For example a laundry business should be near the customers like college students, working bachelors, posh localities etc. The free zone provides limited options for setting up laundry business. However it provides 100% ownership to investors.
Getting the Proper Equipment
In Laundry business a person should give care in getting proper equipment. Indeed it is very important to learn the correct way to handle them. The machines used can be like soap dispensers, oversized washing machines, steamers etc. Besides there is a threat of fire due to the use of chemicals.
Key Points to Consider While Setting up Laundry Business in Dubai
- The laundry business should place symbols of no smoking at the entrance.
- Activities like cooking and eating should not be done inside the working area.
- Machine should be purchased for laundry license in Dubai.
- There should be a gap of 1 meter between adjacent machines.
- The setup must have additional stop bars for emergency.
- The storage space should have separate rooms for storing chemical for distinguishing them as hazardous, flammable and incompatible chemicals.
- Adequate number of carts, baskets should be provided.
- A delivery van is must in a laundry setup.
- First aid kit should be available for the staff.
We should take care of these points, in order to reduce any mishaps.
The above steps are brief on how to set up a laundry business in Dubai. These are just some points which will help you to establish the business of your choice. Therefore, it is only your commitment and choices which will help you in the long run.